Sunday, April 17, 2011

hikayat FYP

(lame benar idle dr berbelog ni.. heeeee)
sebab ape korg nk tau??
mari mari mahu bercerita tentang hikayat FYP aka final year project saye..
ceritacintanya begini...

 tgok gambo je la ye..

sedang menyediakan bahan2 ramuan utk project..hihihi..ringkasnya ialah reagent preparation.titik!

inilah bahan2 ramuan saye..teheeee..

dh siap la boley mengambil sample..sample darah manusia okeh~

bersusun2 kt my work bench ni..mcm2 adO~

this is for my hemolysis assay..

preparation tuk electron microscope analysis..

see..pandai mereka beratur..hihi..secho'et je pon nk process sample2 ni..amk ms 3 ari okeh nk settle..tu pon kire beruntung if x kne repeat..kalo repeat..jd mcm sy la.. (-_-,)

pkai labcoat x penah reti2 nk button sampai abes..hehe..*besame ain SEM saye* (abbreviation sket: SEM ialah scanning electron microscope ye..) hahahha!!!pengaruh thesis nih!

kwn2..presented to u...scanning electron microscope!!!

terkesima x? disini la saye membuat analisa ttg bentuk2 darah..(ayat BM skema x leh blah!..dh cm nk wat ayt abstrak dlm thesis lak..teeheee...)

fyi..saye sering kali pulang lewat malam dek kerana fyp saye ye..ujan2 pon dk kt fac org lg..hehehe..ini kerana my labwork was done in the research lab di fakulti jiran sblah..iaitu farmasi..

pasrah je slalu kene blk malam.. team mate yg slalu di sisi sy spjg kami ber'labwork..juga ketika kami ber'thesis..kerana..dlm blik pon dk sbelah2..mmg la sntiasa bersama..kikikikiki...

hahaha!!!dh kantoi semak!!semak ngn jenel2 yg menyemak pale hoT saye nk siapkn writing thesis nih!

tadaaaaa...tuuuu diaaaaa full draft thesis saye~~siap jgk akhirnya..alhamdulillah..

 act byk yg terjadi spjg fyp ni..
pale pon slalu je ting tong penangan fyp..hihi..
hampir2 nk letak baju kotor (bj yg dh pakai tuk dibasuh) dlm bakul sampah..adeh..
byk dugaan yg terpaksa tempuh dan merempuh..
nanges kerana fyp itu..perkara biase bg saye kerana sgt tensi yg amat! *bhsa ape aku gune ni???*
tp just think positive..wutever hepen, its for my own gud in the future..
sume org ade waktu2 up n down..
saye x terlepas..
tp camne pon, i learn sumthing from this new experience..
blajar to be independent..
make own decision..
learn to communicate with people to manage thing..
byk mane halangan pon..just believe that we'r not alone..Allah s.w.t Maha Mengasihi hamba2Nya..with His blessed, i manage to finish my fyp eventho agk lambt dr org ttp bersyukur..
n im gratefull to have such a wonderful people around me during my labwork n thesis writing..thanx to my supervisor n my Anah, my Asilah, my Sacha, my Khalifah yg dh byk sangat100000x tlg saye ber'fyp ni.. thanx for lending me ur ears when im membebel psl fyp..thanx for lending me ur shoulders for me to cry on..msti dan harus rindu korg pasni..(sb dh kawen nnt msti xdpt dh nk wat cmtu kt korg..pinjam bahu incik asben la plak nnt..muahahaha!!) thanx anda2 sume!! support dr kwn2 yg lain ape kurangnye~ ^^V

 pape on...
rs syukur yg z terhingga 
dpt jgk siapkn full draft 
di kala orang lain sdg enak bersenang lenang sbb dh lame siap labwork n full draft thesis tidak bg saye...kenapa??oh oh oh..kerana i've just finished my labwork last wednesday n i finally got my result for my project on friday..which is 2 days back!oh/em/ji???
n arini br dpt siapkn my full draft thesis..tu pon x sebrapa kot sbb x smpt submit to my supervisor utk disemak..
dan dan dannnnnn....
nxt coming monday..which is esok la kan...??
ialah hari pembentangan projek akhir tahun bagi pelajar tahun akhir jurusan ijazah sarjana muda teknologi makmal perubatan, fakulti sains kesihatan, universiti teknologi mara, kampus puncak alam!!!
(kalau hebat sile bc hanya dng satu napas okeh!)
baek...skrg sy sgt gelisah gundah gulana..!
oh oh oh..
my turn will be on wednesday!!3ari sj lagi kwn2..!!!
to all my classmates..wishing u olls best of luck on our final year project presentation's day!!
selamat berjuang!! ♥♥♥

1 kata-kata comel:

Farhanah said...

wish u all da bezzzz....
biase la tu menghadapi liku liki hidopp..nk hidoopp kan, kne tabah...hehe,padahal sye pon sme jek..alahamdulillah, sume da settle..jz tgu viva...bedebau2 da nih, pape pon yg pasti viva tuh da setat esok...smg berjaya eyh (^___^)muahahaha....A>N>A>H

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