Monday, November 30, 2009

- M.T -

zero + kosong + empty = this is wut i feel rite now.. *sigh*

"Total Eclipse Of The Heart"
turnaround, every now and then I get a little bit lonely and you're never coming around
turnaround, every now and then I get a little bit tired of listening to the sound of my tears
turnaround, every now and then I get a little bit nervous that the best of all the years have gone by
turnaround, everu now and then I get a little bit terrified and then I see the look in your eyes
turnaround bright eyes, every now and then I fall apart
turnaround bright eyes, every now and then I fall apart

And I need you now tonight
And I need you more than ever
And if you'll only hold me tight
We'll be holding on forever
And we'll only be making it right
Cause we'll never be wrong together
We can take it to the end of the line
Your love is like a shadow on me all of the time (all of the time)
I don't know what to do and I'm always in the dark
We're living in a powder keg and giving off sparks
I really need you tonight
Forever's gonna start tonight
Forever's gonna start tonight

Once upon a time I was falling in love
But now I'm only falling apart
There's nothing I can do
A total eclipse of the heart
Once upon a time there was light in my life
But now there's only love in the dark
Nothing I can do
A total eclipse of the heart

Turnaround, every now and then I get a little bit restless and I dream of something wild
Turnaround, every now and then I get a little bit helpless and I'm lying like a child in your arms
Turnaround, every now and then I get a little bit angry and I know I've got to get out and cry
Turnaround, every now and then I get a little bit terrified but then I see the look in you eyes
Turnaround bright eyes, every now and then I fall apart
Turnaround bright eyes, every now and then I fall apart

And I need you now tonight
And I need you more than ever
And if you'll only hold me tight
We'll be holding on forever
And we'll only be making it right
Cause we'll never be wrong together
We can take it to the end of the line
Your love is like a shadow on me all of the time (all of the time)
I don't know what to do and I'm always in the dark
We're living in a powder keg and giving off sparks
I really need you tonight
Forever's gonna start tonight
Forever's gonna start tonight

Once upon a time I was falling in love
But now I'm only falling apart
There's nothing I can do
A total eclipse of the heart


"kita akan menghargainya bila kita kehilangannya"..
for those yg pnh tgok drama Taubat Nasuha jmaat lps msti tau quotes ni..
n yes..kite kehilangan sbb kite x menghargai..
this scenario happened pd kite sume act..sama ade kite sedar or x 
 slalunye kite akn terlebih sedar bile kite dh hilang sume tu..

* wawawawawawa...apekah yg sedang dibebelkan oleh saye ini??sangat melankolik bunyinye..wah!!sejak amik subject self n professional development ngn en hamid ni da reti ber'melankolik la plakz i neh..hahaha!!!!*

baek la..mari berseriyes ok..

n yes kite sukar nk menghargai people yg kite syg n syg kite..tula hakikatnye..n nape susahnye kite ni nk hargai mereka ini??

kehilangan ini ade berbagai2..if hilang material tu xdela saket sgt..sbb ia boleh dcari..tpiiiiiiiiiiii....if hilang mereka yg kite syg....apekah yg kamu2 rase...saket yg teramat kan???kan??mane nk cari yg serupa seperti yg hilang itu??mane??xkan ade yg same kt dunia yg sekejap ini..n kehilangan itu also depends on the meaning itself..if yg hilang tu something yg kecil n xsgt x drasa bile yg hilang tu is something yg very meaningful in ur very2 sure ade yg smpai xdpt nk terima hakikat..walaupon kite ni as makhluk Allah ptt redha ngn ketentuanNya..

n wut do u think bout death/kematian??is it kehilangan yg paling besar??tp kan...i rase la...the greatest loss is wut dies inside while we itu adalah satu perasaan yg i rase hanya melemahkan ati dan perasaan kite je..sbb dihasuti oleh makhluk Allah yg mmg nk melalaikan manusia sampai kiamat kelak..

n when we felt like losing something or somebody..pliz n pliz..remember that u will never loss the One who creates u..which is Allah yg Maha Esa Lagi Maha byk2kan la berdampingan dgnNya kerana hanya Dia je yg sntiase kekal ade ngn kite sume..n bile kite owez ingt Dia..insyaAllah..bile perasaan yg x enak tu dtg..pasti kite dpt tepis segala feeling yg x besh tu sbb kite tau n yakin yg Dia ade tuk bg kite kekuatan dlm mengharungi hidup ni..n yes it works..for me n for sure for all off u..

n must stick ngn gum gajah dlm ur mind yg sume yg berlaku ada hikmah sebelum segala2 itu berlaku..pliz do appreciate every single thing around u..yg jauh or yg dekat..mereka ttp ade hati dan perasaan..jgn sia2kan pengorbanan mereka smpai bile dorg dh xde br la nk menghargai..

this reminder is not only for u who patienly go through my blog ni but it is also as  a reminder for me..sbb we cannot be a perfect person..yg perfect hanyalah Allah..kite ni jd prefect skola leh la..weeeeeeeeeee~

k la..da abes bebel..babai ::.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

.:: sELamAt hAri raYa aiDiLaDhA ::.

salam aidiladha to all muslims..
alhamdulillah, selesai sume keje2 korban even i myself xkorban,,jz kakak2ku yg jelita itu shja yg korban..weeeeeeeee~
so activity selepas ini ialah open house dirumah auntie2 dan kawan2 yg menunye sume pasti dan kompem berunsurkan "BEEF" ok..hahaha!!!
berat badan juge pasti akn meningkat ke tahap yg tidak diinginkan..uwaaaaaaaaa...hopefully it will not happen to me!!!sgt takootttttt....(haha!!ngade!!)

sebelum diri melangkah ke pintu gerbang umah nk pegi tmpt korban...syengalnye muke i mase neh!!haih!!

hani nk mkn buoh moktey..

sorry la xdpt nk upload pic lembu dan yg berkaitan dgnnye..sbb xsempat dan sempit pn nk snap pic..heee...pape pon..sekali lagi "selamat hari raya aidiladha untuk kamoo sume"

p/s: to my autie nah yg dh selesai tunaikan haji kt mekah tu i doakan dia selamat smpai ke malaysia nnt bersama haji yg mabrurah~ amin:: bile time i lak ye..beshnye~

Monday, November 23, 2009

.:: happy 57th birhtday to mama ::.

.:: happy birthday to my dearest mama!!! ::.
wat julung2 kalinye after a few months berpuasa dr last terrajin jgk tgn ni nk meng'update blog i ni..hehe!!br ingt yg background blog i ni dh bertukar wrna..(tu pun pas Aje gatai nk bkak n bc blog i neh..heee)..syengal kn..
btw..special wish diatas is dedicated to my beloved mama..Pn. Rubiah Hussain yg ke-57 suda..which is jatuh pada 16th nov yg she still maintainkan ke'cute'an dia ok..i love u mucho mama!!!~ 

birthday cake yg dh terpotong oleh sape ntah

mama my sayangs

my mama is da bestest mama in da world la..her cook..hurm...marvelous i ckp u...even on her birhday ni pon she still cooked for us..special lg tu..ade lontong ngn roti with da jala yg dmkn bersama kuzi ayam..yummy..n also ade sate yg dibakar d kedai mane ntah kakak i g beli..pape pn,ma..ur kuzi is da besh!!i tabek u~ heeee...ala2 mengampu ade x??


act on dat day i br je touch down to kb..sgt hepy cz dpt blk on her birthday..lg2 my eldest sis,kak ja n my eldest nephew, fir pon blk sgt terasa kemeriahan itu di tambah lg ngn kanak2 ribena yg mmg dh tersedia ade kt umh abah tu..sape lg kalo bkn naim..iman n yg plg kecik tp moncet (montel+boncet)..which is nur farhani marissa..gamat jp umh tu ngn kenakalan mereka2 itu..gamat means meriah ok..bkn myk gamat tu..

fir yg control macho kononnye~

naim on the right with baju smart reader dia tu

ini ialah iman yg tersgt terserlah kenakalannye..

hani..da cutie pie..

to be continue..ponat eh..