Sunday, October 31, 2010

jOm berenang again n again.....

sape2 yg ade rs keinginan nk berenang or wat aerobic sendirian berhad..meh tgok vid clip 2PM ni meh..
hehe..sekadar nk ilangkn borim stdy...

dear ladies n gentlemen,

im presenting to you... 

2PM.....again n again!!!!!!

*dh pandai berenang tak????heheheh..*


telefon tangan

walawey...fing karer..~( pink colour..)
gurly ke geli???hihihi..
specification kt sini ye..



gempek gk ini model...~

ade suara berkata2 : "sile berangan dulu ye cik wuwu..bile nk dpt tu...kemudian hari.."
cik wuwu : ohhhh...sedeynye..dua2 hp plak status semakin kontang..diri terkontang kanting..(smbil nanges dlm ati...wah..emo tbe2 plak..)... (-_-,,)

moral of the story : sile simpan duit ye cik wuwu..smpai mase leh korek idong tabung...hoye2!!


Saturday, October 30, 2010

::let's go to korea! @ 가 한국에 가자! (ga hangug-e gaja!)::

woh! korea?? i wish i was in korea rite now..xyh penin2 pk nk kne stdy..hihi..neway..i sgt teruja with one of femes korean drama series; Personal Taste..sgt menarek ok cite itu..i keep playing dat drama several times jgk..juge sgt snggup tdo lmbt kerana dh fall in with diz drama..kerana??ofkos la kerana actor n actress nye yg gojes itu..(tp lebih kpd main actor~..eheh!)

let me introduce to u all in one bout diz awesome drama series..

Title: 개인의 취향 / Kaeinui Chwihyang / Personal Taste
Also known as: Personal Preference / Kae In’s Taste
Genre: Romance, comedy
Episodes: 16 <-- sgt byk episode..jd berantoo gilos..sbb tu snggup tdo lmbt smata2 nk abeskn cite ni..heh!!

Jeon Jin Ho is a straight guy who pretends to be gay in order to become a roommate to his female friend, Park Kae In. His hobbies include organization and ironing, and he’s known for his stoic poker face. He’s a stickler for cleanliness, but he also has a talent for figuring out women’s feelings. Kae In is very trusting even though she has a habit of being betrayed. However that doesn’t stop her from giving people the benefit of doubt and Jin Ho is no different. How will Kae In react when she finds out that her gay roommate is not actually gay at all and that he has fallen for her?

Cast (watak yg penting2 saje)
Son Yeh Jin as Park Kae In
Lee Min Ho as Jeon Jin Ho
Kim Ji Suk as Han Chang Ryul
Wang Ji Hye as Kim In Hee
Choi Eun Seo as Na Hye Mi
Im Seul Ong as Kim Tae Hoon <--- member of 2AM!!!
Jo Eun Ji as Lee Young Sun

heheh!!ade name yg  di'BOLDkn di atas..kenape heh?heeeee...itu la main actor yg gojes i ckp td..macho woh dia nih..tinggi lak tu..ok2..enuf..xley puji lebey2..nnt incik abam kesayangan majuk lak..kikikikiki..

nk caye ke x nk yg min ho ini sgt gojes..mari i buktikn..


amacam??ensem???? im ♥' it!!
so nk tgok trailer cite ni meh tgok meh..

ade jgk un-cut scene.. ~

lagu2 dlm cite ni pon sgt sonot untuk di dgr..layan seyh..

like a fool by 2AM..

nk dgr lagu2 yg lain dlm cite ni sile la click disini 
errr.....mcm nk tgok cite ni lg la utk yg ke sratus lima juta lgu fynn jamal lak..pnh dgr x???..if x..sile gugel or yutiub ok..

jom ke korea!!! saranghae~  

Thursday, October 28, 2010



oh FYP..~
anybody hOme...!!!anybOdy..??help meeeeee!!!!
fenin weyh pk psl fyp ni..TAJUK APEKAH YG SESUAI??aiyoyO~
time ni la nk pegang notes (kerana sdg exm ok..if x exm xde nye nk glabah2 nk stdy..heee~)..time ni jgk la nk kne pk tjuk project nxt sem..x ke itu membuatkn diri ini sgt serabai plus serabot???ini kerana br 2 ari lps dpt tau yg sorg supervisor fyp hnya nk 7 org student sj dibawah pengawasan mereka..sOOo..supervisor i ade 9 student..maka dengan itu i telah terkeluar dari senarai!!!uwaaaaaaa~ sdey x?oleh yg demikian kene la i g cari supervisor yg lain..n tjuk pon kne la cari yg baru memandangkan dh bertukar SIFOO even ngn sifoo yg b4 ni mmg dh dpt tjuk pon..(lg la sy jd sebarai serabai!!)cane neyh??
hurm..mari la ber'pk2 nk wat project ape ni..kepada sifoo saye..iaitu..EN.HISHAM yg sgt la comey, sile la bimbing student anda ini..(heheh~ ni  ngampu ke ape neyh???)

on da left-sifu fyp saye iaitu en.hisham..sbelah ialah en.saru..anah n me~ ms clinical visit beliau kt husm..melawat ktorg sedang berpektikel..
aaarrghhh!!!still av no idea bout da title of my fyp..!

----------- 10 mins (google'ing..) ------------

----------- 20 mins (google'ing..) ------------

----------- 30 mins (google'ing..) ------------

----------- berjamS (google'ing..) ------------

(bagai ade mentol atas pale~)

OK..!!mcm da dpt idea...gtg~

p/s: idea bernas oleh anah--->jln2 tenangkn fikiran kt JJ bukit raja!!!hoye2!!!!(tros bersiap2 nk kuar~~)...kikikikikikikikikki....


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

relaxation technique ♥

berehat sebentar setelah otak mcm dh tepu menghafal ayat2 org enterpreneur ni..(*sigh*)

soOOOo...mari kite tonton dan nyanyi2 sket..kehkehkeh..

♥dont let me fall by lenka (dedicated to en.shahriman saye..~)

♥just the way u are by bruno mars (sweet kan vid ni..jelita weh itu woman..)

♥hohoho..nk lg ati tu tenang so mari la dgr maher zain ni..insyaallah~

hurm..release sedikit tensi yg dihadapi..(eceh~..)
heh.. notes memanggil dh tu..

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

gud luck!!!!

wuwu da whitelilly's mumble suda berwajah baRu..eceh~ 

COMEL x??kn?kn? ♥ ♥ ♥ huhu..rajin pulaks nk make over blog d saat2 kegentingan ni..
saat kegentingan??confius or u dono ape yg i bebel ni???bkn i kene pegi genting highland tu..tapiiii...heheh..ini kerana esok bersamaan 27 october 2010 maka bermula la musim eh..musim peperiksaan utk sile la berusaha bersungguh2 wahai cik wuwu ye..gambate!!!(bak kate org jepon)..

oleh itu disini disertakan jadual exm supaya cik wuwu tidak leka bermain tenet dikala mengulangkaji..walaupon kdg2 bkak jgk facebook..erk.kantoi..~

::maksud code subject2 diatas::
pht530=biomechanic n ergonomic|
env401=management n safety of toxic substances| 
mlt558=advanced lab diagnostic| 
mlt505=clinical virology| 
mlt476=clinical chemistryIII|

hoh..sgt byk kn subject di ambil sem ini..aiyoyo~ harus bekerja keras nih..ok..insaf jp..nk g stdy la..heeeeeeeee...
babai..gud luck kawan2..wish u all da best!!!!
